Oh hell no

By bigcityfail - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that my apartment building has two new tenants: my ex-girlfriend and her fiancé, the guy she cheated on me with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 258
You deserved it 3 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Get revenge. Make him cheat on her with you. I know you're a dude, so you might have to go gay to pull this one off. You'll blindside her. The element of surprise is a big part of effective vengeance.

jennifer93 0

awkward...I wonder if she knew you lived there...if so, that's just cruel


staceysgenesis16 0

wow. i think id move out at that point. lol.

Brandnewuser 0

Most of the time people sign a lease.

I'd agree unless they live under me then I'd have the loudest sex and make sure the ceiling above them shakes.

I'm going to go with 32 on that. Make her feel bad about what she lost.

minecraft_fml 4

tell the guy that she ceased on you with him

minecraft_fml 4

*cheated damn iOS autocorrect!

raven02 0

no perfect just bang her all this time o no hold on she cheated on you sorry

mommyhazell 0

If they're anywhere near your apartment.. Have mad hot sex every night. It'll drive them away!

BahahahLOL 0

You'd know all about that you horny yellow sponge.

redhedsaysrawr 18

Oh he has tons of kinky imaginaaaaaaaaaation

jennifer93 0

awkward...I wonder if she knew you lived there...if so, that's just cruel

mayoral26 0

yeah that's super awkward if she knew you lived there...

especially since its an ex girlfriend

CaptainPickles72 18

If your a petty son-of-o-bitch make it look like she's cheating on her fiance with you for revenge. Or............................threesome!

perdix 29

Get revenge. Make him cheat on her with you. I know you're a dude, so you might have to go gay to pull this one off. You'll blindside her. The element of surprise is a big part of effective vengeance.

Time to break in and replace their Nutella with shit. Then you can chuckle evilly from your apartment when you hear their yells of disgust.

SunDropGirl 0

hahaha win^ this made me laugh and it's a kind of stupid idea.. but it still made ne laugh

Capt_Oblivious 10

Just tell him you're glad to donate your used toys to the less fortunate.