By Anonymous - 04/05/2013 21:44 - United Kingdom - Liverpool

Today, my neighbours' whiny emo of a daughter got dumped by her boyfriend. In her infinite wisdom, she's chosen to cope by playing on her recorder the worst rendition of "My Heart Will Go On" that I've ever heard. It's been going on all day. Now I know why he dumped this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 185
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should go over there and yell "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!" That'll cheer her up.

MeowZebraMeow 7

Since when do emo kids listen to Celine Dion?


LudicMonster 22

You don't have to be a dick about it

Play some bad music back! Make it a contest. It will get your anger out, and possibly help her feel better.

At least she didn't play Hot Cross Buns.

Oh god! Please anything but Celine Dion! *cuts off ears*

Ypetrol 11
myeviltwin 20

A whiny, self obsessed teenage girl, whining and obsessing over something that happened to her? Oh noes! What next a geeky, pimple faced teenage boy who spends all day in his bedroom tugging it to internet ****????????? My god what has this world come to??? Seriously she will get over it soon. Most teenagers have the attention span of a fruit fly.

Kozmotis 8

Get over it. She's dealing with something bad that happened to her in a clean, healthy way. Everyone has different methods of coping. Just put on some of your own music, or go out for a bit. It's not like this is going to last for forever.

skullofdarkness 18

Ordinarily, I'd have sympathy for both you and her, but given how much of an ass hole you're being in describing it, I'm going with ydi. Maybe you should learn to have compassion.

I don't see how this is an FML, just ask her to turn the volume down...

sgtcxelite 11

Oh, **** you. You don't know what happened between them. For all you know he could have been an abusive, controlling douche bag. My very first boyfriend was, and it ****** me up horribly.