By Anonymous - 04/05/2013 21:44 - United Kingdom - Liverpool

Today, my neighbours' whiny emo of a daughter got dumped by her boyfriend. In her infinite wisdom, she's chosen to cope by playing on her recorder the worst rendition of "My Heart Will Go On" that I've ever heard. It's been going on all day. Now I know why he dumped this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 185
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should go over there and yell "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!" That'll cheer her up.

MeowZebraMeow 7

Since when do emo kids listen to Celine Dion?


How old is she? I remember learning to play the recorder in third grade and haven't touched it since.

Stupid bitch she probably is hurting! "A whiny emo" seriously? Emo isn't a thing it's called being sensitive just politely tell her to turn it down no instead ur on here making a big deal out of it grow some balls

oddly enough, last year marked the 100th anniversary the Titanic sunk.

I'm pretty sure you've had your heart broken before. Cut the girl some slack. Shes just a kid and it wont last forever. :)

And that's why you don't live close to your neighbors. Never lived in apartments, never will. Move man, move!!!!

Poor teen, try to talk to her parents

cluelessspam 3

You should whip out an instrument and play it better

FlowerMama 20

I now have an image of OP doing this, failing spectacularly at playing the song well, and then slinking off to hide from any witnesses to his failure.

Wow. Emo kids are so annoying when they take their fad too seriously.

BlackRose342 4

It's the person doing this not the label