By CharlesEmersonW - 02/09/2018 02:30 - Romania - Timisoara

Today, 5 years after the fact, I finally realized how dense I am for not understanding that when she undresses in front of you and poses naked, she isn't expecting you to be a gentleman and turn around and leave the room. It's haunting me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 872
You deserved it 3 388

Top comments

It took you 5 years to realize that? Are you thick

At least you'll know what to do next time. You can finally progress in your still life art class.


At least you'll know what to do next time. You can finally progress in your still life art class.

xxWTFxx1981 23

bro I messed up the same way seriously she was in lingerie but said minutes before she wasn't looking for a relationship... yeah I know duh friend with benefits i was really young..

She didn’t leave you after the first time?

LostInTheZone11 29

What else did you need? Runway landing lights?

Well OP, there is a small chance you were right. For example, I’d come home to my now exwife dressed in lingerie. But she’d have no interest in sex. Than again she did leave me for another man. Wait..... am I dense? Ah Damn it!

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20
PenguinPal3017 19

One time a female friend told me that she wanted to share my bed instead of staying in the guest room. Then she said that she was cold. I went to grab more blankets. A year later she did the same thing and this time I made a move. That night was amazing.