By Anonymous - 04/05/2013 21:44 - United Kingdom - Liverpool

Today, my neighbours' whiny emo of a daughter got dumped by her boyfriend. In her infinite wisdom, she's chosen to cope by playing on her recorder the worst rendition of "My Heart Will Go On" that I've ever heard. It's been going on all day. Now I know why he dumped this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 185
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should go over there and yell "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!" That'll cheer her up.

MeowZebraMeow 7

Since when do emo kids listen to Celine Dion?


audreyfml1994 15

I missed the part about this being her neighbor's daughter, and not her own, the first time I read it.

septembers_over_fml 3

If its loud enough to where its annoying you, leave a note on the door telling them politely to turn it down. thats gotta be annoying.

Who talks about someone's kid like that, OP? She may be a "whiny emo" but high chances are that it's just a teenage phase. You're clearly an adult and you're still an asshole. Good luck growing out of that.

Get close to the house and start singing along, maybe she'll stop.

EmmaxSampson 9

Really "emo" that's not derogatory at all

The term "emo" almost complete describes someone like this...

Just by reading how it was written, I could tell that it was a guy who wrote this...

ughhseriouslywow 10

Yeah, that sucks, but you didn't have to be so mean about it, OP. Teenage girl are all drama queens, so you don't have to personally attack this one. I hope she doesn't find this .-.

icepick23 12