By Anonymous - 04/05/2013 21:44 - United Kingdom - Liverpool

Today, my neighbours' whiny emo of a daughter got dumped by her boyfriend. In her infinite wisdom, she's chosen to cope by playing on her recorder the worst rendition of "My Heart Will Go On" that I've ever heard. It's been going on all day. Now I know why he dumped this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 185
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should go over there and yell "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!" That'll cheer her up.

MeowZebraMeow 7

Since when do emo kids listen to Celine Dion?


Don't be a dick. It's annoying I am sure, but she got dumped. You've been dumped and you didn't like it I am also certain. So if you have a human bone in your body, you'll cut her some slack and let her recover in her own way without interfering.

olpally 32

We all have different ways of dealing with grief after being broken up with in a relationship. The fact the op could hear this music is insane, you just don't go full rage depression and play probably the crappiest music and annoy the **** out of people. I understand she's heartbroken, but don't bring everyone else down with your own problems, especially with music like that blaring that loudly.. Jeeze. **** both your lives.

Said nicely! And Wtf is a recorder? A radio?

You could always ask her parents to have her stop. I would phrase your request better than you did the fml though. You don't want to come off as a dick.

Instead of being a whiny douche, spend $10 and order her an anonymous bouquet of flowers or something. She gets over her grief and you get over her bad musical tastes. Problem solved.

Op doesn't owe this girl anything, if anyone should be trying to cheer her up, it's her parents who clearly aren't paying enough attention to her, if they'e letting her annoy the neighbours while she wallows in her own self pity. Op's kind of being a douche, though.

BlackRose342 4

You can just be nice to her. You don't have to owe the girl anything

Life would be better if everyone acted like they owed the world their best, not the other way around.

well, I'm actually kind of impressed she can play that. I never got much past hot cross buns. that being said, I feel for you. I can't imagine the sound hell you're going through.

The recorder?? Really? I mean when you think of "my heart will go on" who thinks, " man! I gotta learn that for my recorder!!"

My favorite part of the movie was the iceberg.

ViviMage 38

Knock on the door and ask her to sing it instead!