By sotired - 05/03/2013 19:58 - Australia - Mona Vale

Today, my neighbour's puppy has developed separation anxiety. Every time my neighbour leaves for work, the puppy constantly whines and barks until he gets home. He works night shifts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 251
You deserved it 2 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you could dog-sit that poor puppy nights? That way you could pet it until it fell asleep. You'll get to sleep and the puppy won't be so lonely :)


That's nothing to bark about OP! The pup just wants some doggone loving!

would be a shame if it..."accidentally" ran away

Just like it'd be a shame if you had a tragic, fatal "accident". Ha.

sneeze_watch 19

The quick way to solve this problem would be to man the **** up and talk to your neighbor about it. Maybe offer to keep the pup at night so it has someone to hang out with while he is at work.

Exactly. If nobody has told the OP's neighbor, they might not even know their dog barks all night when they're gone.

sofitina 20

that happened quite often with my dog. I would just make her take a sleeping pill for dogs. it relaxed her. helped a lot.

TheDrifter 23

You drugged your pet to keep it silent? Did you at least try training it first? Maybe leaving something out for it to entertain itself?

sofitina 20

I did try, it wasn't even my idea to give it the sleeping pills. it would vomit from being so hyper active at night and nit getting enough sleep so the vet told me to give her one every night till she stopped. which she eventually did. Its not like I forcefully drugged her because of a little barking.

My mom's dog would do that if they travelled with him. When they came for a visit and brought the dog, I tried some chamomile calming treats that I had for my skittish dog for traveling purposes. Worked like a dream for both of them, and was much less harsh then the anxiety medication the vet wanted to prescribe. I used those treats with Sid as well after he injured his leg at the dog park so he would rest. If it can keep a husky puppy calm for a couple of days, it is pretty good in my book.

And this is why I don't have a dog. Shift workers shouldn't have dogs - we don't have a constant schedule which is not fair on the dog. Dogs like regularity.

There are ways to make it work. Certain breeds could be better for that situation. There are doggie daycares and in home walkers that can help. When I worked in tv, my shift would always bounce. My husband also worked in tv at the time and was always on call. My dog at the time wasn't home for very long by herself, but it was never a set schedule. We found in that case, a playmate worked out best. I do love that other then errands I am home all of the time for Sid and now the foster dog I have.

Where I'm from it's illegal to leave a dog by itself more than 6 hours.

I can imagine what you'll actually do in that situation. And why is 26 getting down-voted. If it's actually a law where she's from...

Just wondering how this op gets YDT when it's not even their dog? Sorry about the problem but like everyone says go talk to your neighbour and maybe get some dog sitting in too.