Yappy neighborhood

By Anonymous - 14/04/2020 14:00

Today, I don't think my neighbours realize that, by getting that dog they have been wanting, they ruined the peace and quiet of the entire neighbourhood, consisting of ten houses. I'm the person underneath whose window that dog barks every day - mostly when I'm either trying to fall asleep or wanting to sleep in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 692
You deserved it 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Okay but people shouldn’t be expected not to get a dog just because their neighbors don’t want them to. If the barking is excessive, talk to them about it and see if they’ll consider some sort of training program. If they refuse, file a noise complaint.

I don't know your neighbours but it's not 'by getting the dog they wanted' it' 'by not educating / taking care of the dog they got' that they ruined the neighborhood. You should try to speak to them about it - some breeds bark more than others, but even for the most vocal dogs something can generally be done to tame it down. When your dog barks, you take it inside immediately. After a while, he knows that if he wants to stay outside he has to be quiet. With a dog which is properly exercised, it's not that hard. I really don't understand the people who don't make the effort to curb this kind of behavior, because having my dog bark all the time would drive me up the walls.


I don't know your neighbours but it's not 'by getting the dog they wanted' it' 'by not educating / taking care of the dog they got' that they ruined the neighborhood. You should try to speak to them about it - some breeds bark more than others, but even for the most vocal dogs something can generally be done to tame it down. When your dog barks, you take it inside immediately. After a while, he knows that if he wants to stay outside he has to be quiet. With a dog which is properly exercised, it's not that hard. I really don't understand the people who don't make the effort to curb this kind of behavior, because having my dog bark all the time would drive me up the walls.

Pretty sure you can file complaints about excessive noise, especially if they're leaving the dog outside and not bringing it in. Recommend maybe some dog-training videos/trainers. (Unfortunately, real trainers may have to wait a few more weeks..)

Wow, Some dog owners got pretty mad. I'm ignoring OP's thing of disturbing the neighbourhood's overall calmness, but will not ignore a ******* loud/dog barking all day that isn't taken care of.

Call the cops. Most places have barking dog ordinances forbidding exactly what is happening to you. If your neighborhood doesn't have such a law, rent a cop uniform and pay a visit to your neighbors. A good pistol-whipping should convince them to see things your way.

ojoRojo 27

Okay but people shouldn’t be expected not to get a dog just because their neighbors don’t want them to. If the barking is excessive, talk to them about it and see if they’ll consider some sort of training program. If they refuse, file a noise complaint.

bloopaloop 27
RomeoJackson 8
wrenavery90 12

You know it's not the dogs fault.