By whatsername92 - 01/02/2013 03:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen. As I excitedly put it on my finger, he told me it wasn't an engagement ring, but I should wear it like one to keep other men away and seem "unapproachable". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 551
You deserved it 4 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rddvl 11

if that's just a ring to keep others away, imagine what your actual wedding ring will look like!

Buy him an awesome new car and tell him, "Oh no, you're not allowed to drive it. I just want to keep it in your driveway so everyone thinks I have a rich boyfriend." Then keep the key in a lock box at the bank, just to be sure. Let's see how he likes it.


I hate to break it to him but it seems that women are MORE approachable with a ring on their finger. Guys love a challenge for sure.

The_sGTw_0979 4

^ Sure- if she's looking to score some emotionally unstable guys who would purposely break up an engagement.

You got a 'Beautiful' ring and he clearly cares and doesn't want you to be hit on. Not sure how it's an FML.. Doesn't mean you're not gettin a real engagement ring tbh :)

chlorinegreen 27

Maybe she thought that the first piece of jewelry she was given by her boyfriend should of been a little bit more... Oh idk romantic? Special? Not a here, wear this so no other guys will hit on you.

41, I think 28 meant that guys aren't goin to stay away period, not that OP WANTS them. It's true; for some reason weirdos are lured by the jewelry and having a RING on is just like with bachelors degrees nowadays: "not enough."

45- He doesn't care about her or trust her, he's just a possessive jerk. He just got her a pseudo engagement ring to ensure she wouldn't be "tempted" by other men or something instead of trusting her to be faithful.

RedPillSucks 31

Perhaps he should try female circumcision. I hear that works wonders for keeping the other guys away.

friedpwnadge 25

In the older centuries, this kind of thing was extremely common as men would give these rings as literal placeholders. Today we call them 'promise rings'.

68: Maybe he's trying to show that he DOES care about her, and he doesn't want her to have to deal with being hit on by creepy guys all the time. It doesn't have to be about not trusting her. She could always take it off while he's not around, so it's not like giving it to her it would actually make her trustworthy.

Rddvl 11

if that's just a ring to keep others away, imagine what your actual wedding ring will look like!

LMFAOwned 9

If she ever gets a wedding ring. Clearly the guy isn't headed in that direction. Yet.

Aregonde 15

Like a leash, I'll bet. It doesn't matter how nice the ring is. It's the thought that counts, and in this case, there's something very wrong with the thought.

OP- "My boyfriend bout me a beautiful diamond ring for no reason. My life ******* sucks!"

FFML_314 11

I'm proud to say, you are an unappreciative brat.

I agree, why is this an fml? She has a boyfriend who cares about her and she's complaining

This doesn't demonstrate attachment, but possessiveness. He doesn't want to commit to her, but he wants to deter other men from her in order to eliminate her options. In other words, he doesn't want to commit to her, but she expects her to commit to him.

FFML_314 11

This FML doesn't say how long they've been together. He gets to decide when he's ready to commit, not her. If she doesn't like it, she can leave him at any time. Either that or tell him how she feels. She's a whiner.

Why's it only his choice when they take their relationship to the next level? You sound like a prime example of chattel. Decisions like this should be made on a mutual basis, as equals. Not just "UGG. YOU WOMAN, YOU MINE NOW, YOU NO HAVE OPINION. KITCHEN.". Since when is it healthy for one half of a couple to make all the decisions, especially shit like engagement?

FFML_314 11

I said it's his choice when he wants to commit. Unless she's spent the better part of the relationship in a coma, it's safe to assume she's well aware of how committed he is. If they've been together for a long time and he hasn't yet committed to her and she's still sticking around, it's a 2 way street. If the relationship is still new, lets say, within the first 2 years, then like I said, she's a whiner. It's called an opinion. Isn't it wild when someone has one that's not exactly like everyone else's?

Sounds like he wants to have his cake and eat it too. What a selfish prick, he doesn't want to commit but doesn't want anyone else to be interested either. Tell him it's time to shit or get off the pot. He's not worth waiting around for.

Hopefully he's not the muff cabbage you're describing, and the next ring is even more special than this one!

onorexveritas 23

I doubt that andy, seeing as how this is apparently the most beautiful ring she ever saw but wait! he's selfish too!

Oh well, at least he complimented her subtly by implying that she is approachable, I guess :)

cradle6 13

It's perfectly reasonable to want a cake that you have! But technically he is committed to her. They're monogamous. Just not married. We also don't know how old they are. They both could be way too young for marriage. All I see here is OP complaining about getting a gorgeous ring.

Javee 17

#94-- They can't be that young, diamond rings don't come cheap and judging from OP's post, she was excited about marrying her boyfriend, so they must've been together for quite some time. Look at it this way, "Today, my boyfriend gave me the ugliest ring I have seen in my life, like the one you get in a box of crackers. But I was excited he proposed and put it on my finger. He then told me he didn't want to marry me, it was just to make me seem unavailable. FML." Like 33&34 said, Perhaps OP isn't so materialistic as to be with her controlling jerk of a boyfriend in exchange for a little piece of rock. She says FML because she thought her boyfriend loved her enough to stay with her the rest of his life but he just wanted, like 71 said, a **** buddy.

Maybe he's not monogamous but he wants her to be faithful. There are possessive jerks like that. OP, you should return the ring and say you won't wear it until you're engaged. Although he sounds like the guy who will do a long engagement that may never end in marriage.

@95. Who ever said he just wants a **** buddy? As far as we know he could still be looking for some things, like even a place to live, before they get married. She shouldn't be complaining that she got a diamond ring in the first place. To me it sounds more like a protective guy that wants to keep his girl until he is ready for marriage himself.

tylerryder 4

How is he being a prick? He doesn't want douche bags like you to hit on his girlfriend

shyeahh_fml 19

What I don't understand is why he spent money on a diamond ring when it's not a special ring. Why not simply go with a promise ring?

Not all rings make a women look engaged. This one definitely does

because it's probably not a real diamond. why spend all that money if you're not actually engaged. F her life. She should move on and find someone that respects her.

onorexveritas 23

Whenever someone uses the word classy, all that ever comes to mind is "you stay classy, San Diego, I'm Ron Burgundy"

Gain about 30 pounds and it'll be about the same.

Never understood why yall put your flexing abs pics... Especially when you have like 2...

GalaxyShots 21

And especially when it looks like a five year old drew on his stomach.

O darn a guy bought you a diamond ring so others guys won't hit on you, gosh I don't know how you can bear it

onorexveritas 23

she can dump him then sell the ring

Looking on the bright side, you now have a new beautiful ring!

nattynatters 14

Yes! And unlike a 'real' engagement ring, you don't have to give it back to him if you break up.