
By Anonymous - 01/08/2021 04:01

Today, my new boyfriend is so scared of dogs that he won’t even go in the room where my new puppy's bed is, so even on the days when he’s at home not working, I still have to pay the lad next door to come round and let it into the garden for a pee, because he’s too scared to open the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 559
You deserved it 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For the sake of the relationship, you're just going to have to get rid of it. Don't worry, it's easy to find a new boyfriend.

Apparently you failed to talk to your boyfriend about getting a dog or talked to him but got one against his wishes and didn't bring him with you to got said dog. Did you think if you just got a dog he would just have to live with it? If so your a selfish brat that dosen't deserve anyone untill you learn to work with them instead of just doing whatever you want.


For the sake of the relationship, you're just going to have to get rid of it. Don't worry, it's easy to find a new boyfriend.

Also, while you may be tempted to give it to a shelter, it's probably better if you can just find it a new owner. Maybe a friend or relative who will let you come over and play with it from time to time. Also, you may want to make sure it's fixed before getting rid of it.

They don't have shelters for dumped boyfriends. And while not liking dogs is a serious character flaw, it does not justify castration.

superjew 8

They do have shelters for dumped boyfriends. What do you think bars and clubs are?

Apparently you failed to talk to your boyfriend about getting a dog or talked to him but got one against his wishes and didn't bring him with you to got said dog. Did you think if you just got a dog he would just have to live with it? If so your a selfish brat that dosen't deserve anyone untill you learn to work with them instead of just doing whatever you want.

Op’s life shouldn’t have to revolve around someone she just started a relationship with. They’re allowed to make independent decisions.

Yes, they are. In fact, they always are, but they have to deal with the consequences of said decisions. The point of being in a relationship is because you want to be with that person and make life choices based on the life you chose with that person. If you went on a few dates and had a good time, that isn't a boyfriend/girlfriend. They become that when you make a commitment to them.

NEW boyfriend or not it sounds like they are living together, even if they are not she expects him to help take care of it and is upset he won't help so she DEFINITELY should have talked to him about it first for either reason even more so if both are true.

What would happen if, when both are sleeping, you put the puppy in the boyfriend’s arm. Just make sure you’re there when the bf wake up cuddling the puppy. To save whomever might get hurt. And videotape it.

That sounds like a truly horrible idea. From someone who has a phobia (not of dogs) that would be a dangerous nightmare for me. The puppy could get hurt. Horrible idea!!!

Ih my god do not do this. Exposure therapy should only be done with a trained therapist who is committed to the safety of all parties. Both the dog and the person could be seriously injured.

bobsanction 18

Dude, phobias are a mental health issue. Not cool to be shaming him for that.

Only when recognized by the medical community. That is a very, very important distinction.

unless he lives there and is out of work why wouldn't you still be responsible for your dog going to the bathroom

westoz 24

Why would you get a dog when YOU can’t look after it?