One man and his dog

By This alarm clock can go fuck itself - 11/08/2023 07:00 - United States

Today, my roommate switched jobs and now goes to work in the morning. His dog has declared that going on a barking frenzy right after he leaves is a great thing to do. Earplugs don't work - I move too much and they fall out too easily. Only 30 more days until he moves out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 594
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Earplugs will work if you wrap an Ace bandage around your face, mummy-style.

angeleyes0724 10

I had this problem with a room mates parrot. they sell headband style Bluetooth headphones that were an absolute life saver.


Earplugs will work if you wrap an Ace bandage around your face, mummy-style.

Try inviting the dog to sleep on the floor next to your bed and it might help with the barking. The doggo is probably lonely and has separation anxiety.

You might also like the peace and quiet brought by a walkie and a good session of fetch.

angeleyes0724 10

I had this problem with a room mates parrot. they sell headband style Bluetooth headphones that were an absolute life saver.