By Anonymous - 10/05/2012 06:25 - United States - Bedford

Today, my neighbors got a motion sensor light that points at my window. It's so sensitive that it goes off every time an insect flies past. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 976
You deserved it 1 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyblues 6

That wasn't an insect. It was a ninja.

SecretMe00 5

Get some curtains or move your bed so the light doesn't bother you.


SecretMe00 5

Get some curtains or move your bed so the light doesn't bother you.

nirvi 3

I am sure OP would have never thought of that solution..

Why is she getting thumbed down? She's right, thicker curtains would solve the problem easily, however blatantly obvious the solution might be. Perhaps it wasn't obvious to OP?

thiscrazything 1

A bb gun would solve the problem as well.

JasonEP 3

Or they could stop being such a freak and juts go ask the neighbors to adjust it.

anoellem 1

He/she is a freak just because they posted an FML about it?

Icejza_DaChilla 7

I would install an even brighter and more sensitive light pointing back at every window on their house. Maybe then they will get the message. Or be an adult and walk next door, knock on their door, and explain the predicament. They may be willing to adjust it for your sake.

Awes0meperson 10

It's like a paparazzi, just pretend you're famous!

Buy a big Mirror to put in your window

MrLefty 8

FYL man. Get a black sheet to hang over your window? Then no more blinding flashes of light.

MetalxSoldier 26

Maybe they put up that light to stop op from masturbating. I guess they want to catch you in the act of "punchin your munchkin" ;)

Place a huge mirror and reflect it back.

MrLefty 8

Misery's option is way cooler than mine haha

haterzgonhate 1

They can adjust the sensitivity.

22cute 17

Exactly, and they can point it in a different direction. You need to go talk to your neighbor. They probably have no idea it is bothering you. Friendly communication wins!

Ranting time people! #4 - What is the point? It's an FML of course it's going to suck, every commenter on here knows that. There are so many creative responses you could have done to entertain the FML community, but instead you posted an already known and irrelevant piece of information! So in conclusion, you've written a waste of a comment. Rant over. Thank you for your time.

^Skooms, it's because they knew their time to make the top ten comments was dwindling fast, and he had to say something, at least. **** clever comments when you can post something stupid and make the first page! Negative attention is better than no attention, right 4? Right?? No? Okay then.

skyblues 6

That wasn't an insect. It was a ninja.

Wrong. Not even motion sensors can detect ninjas. Noor will vouch for me here.

Noor hasn't posted in a little bit, must have been her :o

nirvi 3

You surely are gonna enjoy your nights more..

I guess it's time to invest in some super powerful bug repellent.

The bugs are outside and won't be attracted unless they go near it in the first place and why would they if it is off. Plus close your windows and no problems

I think you missed the point. It was a joke. OP said the light was went off if an insect flew past; so I followed a logically fallacy that identified the bugs necessary element that, if removed, would solve the problem.

Ask him/her to remove it? I guess there are laws for disrupting the peace of your neighbors:) But in worst case, curtains and such should work :) Have a nice day!:)

btnhdude 0

Oooh, he'll grow on you kcircuses.

24) Why? You hate him because he's friendly and optimistic? There's really absolutely no need to be so rude, he has feelings too.

31, he probably hates my general personality and annoyingly happiness some times, which is understandable :) But thank you for defending me, cheers :)

KriiFahMoro 9
Idonebeenhad 17

Don't forget the profile pic

24- Although it is your opinion, I disagree. I enjoy his comments for they always are so optimistic. There's people on here that could learn a thing or 2 from him, really.

cayytee 0

what!? your comments are always nice! i prefer them to the more common degrading and unneccesary ones! : ) : ) : ) : ) haha

My neighbors have the same thing. We've asked them relentlessly to turn them off, but they refuse. It's been seven years. I agree with the above comment, 100%.

Can't you ask them to point it elsewhere? You could get curtains but you can't be in the dark all day

That's why you open the curtains during the day.

I know that. That's why I said he can't be in the dark all day

Time to awaken your hidden ninja. Target: motion sensor light. Challenge accepted.

Noor finished the challenge before you accepted it.

But Noor is a mutation of Jackie Chan, Naruto, Altair, and one of the ninja turtles, so she hardly counts. Her elite status ***** over any common ninja. This task is only genin level.