You light up my life

By Anonymous - 06/01/2021 02:01

Today, I can’t sleep because the moon is full. No, wait, that’s actually the floodlight from the neighboring farm shining in my window. Apparently, they thought it a good idea to hook the thing up to a motion detector, so the cats and mice can play disco lights at midnight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 925
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks, sorry OP. You'll probably just have to start using room-darkening curtains. My husband's family member owns farmland and animals. He has to do what your neighbour did to help deter theft of equipment and predators from livestock.

when my husband and I moved into our first place in a basement apt, there was a business next door that would always leave the side entrance light on. which would shine into our bedroom because we had white curtains so we had to buy red to darken the room down


Sucks, sorry OP. You'll probably just have to start using room-darkening curtains. My husband's family member owns farmland and animals. He has to do what your neighbour did to help deter theft of equipment and predators from livestock.

wouldn't a tall fence do the same? if it's really bothering you op check your local laws in my area thats not legal.

heartbreaker 12

A tall fence is one solution; but that also takes more money and time! Black-curtains are not expensive and take almost no time to install. Plus they also help to moderate heat and noise too! Curtains are a great first step and OP can also pursue further actions if they choose.

when my husband and I moved into our first place in a basement apt, there was a business next door that would always leave the side entrance light on. which would shine into our bedroom because we had white curtains so we had to buy red to darken the room down