Chill out, Gramps

By Chris T - 21/03/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, I found out that my girlfriend’s friends secretly make fun of me. They call me “grandpa” and a “massive creep.” They’re in their 20s. My girlfriend is 22 and I’m 48. Apparently, dating a consenting legal adult is considered “creepy.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 186
You deserved it 1 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dating someone over 2 decades younger than you will always make you creepy

Nikki 17

At least you understand why you’re creepy


Dating someone over 2 decades younger than you will always make you creepy

tiptoppc 19

I wonder where Hugh Heffner fits in all of this discussion. Before he was dead, i mean…

Nikki 17

At least you understand why you’re creepy

Wadlaen 23

Considering that in four years you will be twice the age of your girlfriend, I've got to say I can sort of see their point ..

what is even the math here? he's ALREADY more than twice her age (by 4 years)

I feel like age gaps are okay but the fact that she’s 22 gives me a weird feeling… if multiple people are making comments about it, it’s clear that there might be a problem

MxCrix3333 10

As a 25 year old, I get kinda weirded out by dating 22 year olds. Especially when I think back to how immature my friends and I were at 22. I work with 22 year olds and am very much reminded of that time. Dating someone younger than half your age is pretty creepy, but at least it sounds like your maturity level is probably the same.

I think I can help clarify here; they're right. hope this helps!

It sure the **** is creepy, Leo. They are right to laugh at you, and I hope she dumps you immediately. Newsflash: You are not in your early 20s anymore, get over yourself.

You're old enough to be her dad. That's creepy. Also, her prefrontal cortex (the area of the brain behind the forehead) isn't even fully developed yet. Ironically, this area is responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing, and making good decisions...

d j mom 8

sweet lord man. my ex husband was 16 years younger than me but I think you pushed the line