By Can you say "bandwagon"? - 03/10/2012 21:33 - United States

Today, my neighbors discovered Gangnam Style. Ever since I moved in, they've had an obsession with getting wasted by noon and blasting out shitty music all through the evening. I could just about deal with their dubstep fixation before, but now I just want to blow my own head off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 428
You deserved it 4 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your neighbors sound cool. I would go party with them.

Heeeeeyyy Ssseeeexxxxyy llllaaaaaddddddyyy!!!!!


You know what they say, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" OPPA GANGNAM STYLE

That philosophy never works for me. I did that once, and now I can't bear dancing, or that song, OR DANCING TO THAT SONG!

This song went from only Asians knowing about it to annoying other people who don't even understand it and claim its annoying

I have no clue why people hate this song. It has a catchy electronic beat and the lyrics sound cool. I enjoy the song. Although I suppose like any song, it being overplayed would make it unbearable.

I feel like... America has ruined that song for me -_- I really liked it back when it first came out but noooow it's all I hear about and it's being replayed over and over again. The media's really running this song dry.

Wow. A Gangham Style hipster. Now I've seen everything.

And they were probably doing that before you moved in too. YDI

It is becoming more and more popular, everywhere.

JerryH 9

To all who think that Gangnam Style is a bad song, you obviously listen to too much bullshit music and don't know a good song when you hear one. There's nothing wrong with the song.

You would call dubstep shitty you asshole

As someone who's been listening to Korean pop since 2009... Quit it. "Gangnam Style" is perfectly fine. Oversaturated/overplayed, but there's nothing wrong with the song itself.

HaiImJulia 3

That would drive me nuts! Don't get me wrong.. I love dubstep. But blasting it all day can get a bit annoying, ay?