By datingfail - 14/08/2016 12:06 - Australia - Northcote

Today, I went on a date with a guy who told me his main aim in life is to live alone in an isolated lighthouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 823
You deserved it 1 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's good to have goals haha Sometimes in this day and age I wouldn't mind something like this too actually (not quite this extreme though)


It's good to have goals haha Sometimes in this day and age I wouldn't mind something like this too actually (not quite this extreme though)

Edit: was going to say: actually in this stressful day and age

My plan is a compound in the forest miles away from a city so that light pollution doesn't obscure the stars but I still have high speed internet


Jord_Fox 14

What is he hoping something amazing will happen?

Yup to see less stupid people. But unfortunately even a light house won't fix that well unless you on a rock in middle of the sea.

Hey, there is a job for everyone! People still live in old lighthouses and maintain them because some are considered historical monuments... Sounds pretty neat to me!

If theres an internet connection, why not?

OnlySkyrimStays 11

Agreed. The things in there can ALL die in a Flame Cloak.

Looks like you aren't in his future. At least now you know not to waste your time on date number two. Haha - number two. Yeah, even old guys find fecal humor funny. :-)

If he wants to live alone...why is he dating? Maybe he wants a girlfriend who will come visit his lighthouse once a week...