By MR - 10/03/2010 18:37 - United Kingdom

Today, my mum decided to teach me a lesson about carelessly leaving my wallet about. She left it on the floor so our puppy could use it and its contents as a chew toy. I was almost impressed to discover that he can eat three £20 notes and still have room for debit cards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 044
You deserved it 9 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom is an idiot. Whether or not you deserved losing your money, the puppy doesn't deserve having all those plastic shards tearing through his system.


perdix 29

You ought to teach your puppy to fetch using your mum's *****. With all the bite marks on it, it won't give your mum much pleasure at all. Just like your dad.

eatmexcupcakes 0

whao what a bitch srry. but even if u do leave ur wallet around carelessly she's the one tht put it on the floor it wouldn't have happened if she left it where it was

She left it on the floor, not put it on the floor. I took it as OP complaining because his mum didn't pick up his wallet after he'd carelessly left it there.

wow must suck to live at home w your parents and even still, your shit isn't safe. perhaps now a lesson teaching your mum that your shit isn't hers to teach lessons with?

fmylife245 0

give her purse to the dog and make sure he thinks its a toy

twilight_0118 0

ok I say YDI for always leaving your wallet out, but your mom shouldn't have taken such extreme measures and waste all that money just to teach you a lesson when it wouldn't have happened.. still, dont leave your wallet out. FYL.

Mx_Rider 6

YDI, dont leave your shit laying around, this wouldnt have happened.

KurouTenshi 0

3 bank and that kind of dough, and you live with mum? YDI -_-'

Agreed. I hope your pup is alright but YDI. This is a complete responsibility fail on your part. Keep your wallet where it belongs and keep a better eye on your pet. Fernando, there are always similar comments on FML. In this case, my first thought was almost exactly what idk posted.