Call the FBI on her ass

By Anonymous - 14/03/2020 03:11

Today, I got home from work to I find my cash box open and empty. My mom walked up and said, "If you have a lock that easy to pick, you don't deserve the money." There was 650 dollars in there. She refuses to give it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 313
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell your mom she doesn't deserve a nursing home that is clean and treats the old folks with dignity. If that doesn't work, ...cops.

Well, tell her that the cops will find that very interesting. Seriously, that is stealing!


Who keeps their money in a cash box? Are you selling Girl Scout cookies? Put it in the bank.

yeah, she shoulda put it in a bank! At an interest rate of 0,01% and a quarterly maintenance fee of $4.- that woulda earned her - oh wait...

Just because they didn’t use a bank doesn’t mean that their money in a locked box is up for grabs

Tell your mom she doesn't deserve a nursing home that is clean and treats the old folks with dignity. If that doesn't work, ...cops.

Well, tell her that the cops will find that very interesting. Seriously, that is stealing!

It's stupid when people like this don't call the cops. "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" - Family doesn't mean shit when they are harmful, toxic people.

ViviMage 38

That much money should be in a bank earning interest! I can see less than $100 sitting but that much?? If she won't give it back call the cops for theft.

Where does one still get interest? No bank interest any more where I live, with negative interest being on the rise...

theres like a small handful but they come with some caveats. my bank gives it but its alliant credit union but or at least in my area they dont have a central bank where I can walk up to like bank of america I have to find an atm that does everything without charge which they can be a little difficult to find. luckily if I cant find a free one alliant will deposit the fee into your bank after filling up a form.

WistayShlaio82 13

Wow, your mom is a character from a book. Yeah I read that too.

Braydon Stewart 5

call the cops, then get a high security lock and alarm system.

bobsanction 18

Steal her purse, and her car. If she's gonna leave em laying around she don't deserve to have them.

the_catherine 9

Hell yeah, so true. Tit for tat.