By Anonymous - 10/03/2010 17:56 - United States

Today, I discovered my water bottle had leaked and spilled water all over my backpack, ruining my notebooks, soaking my schoolbooks, and destroying my midterm portfolio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 811
You deserved it 5 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that happened also to me, with a banana :( my mum wanted me to be healthy so she snuck a banana into my bag without telling me, and of course, my books squished it so everything was sticky and brown :/ and smelly...

The same exact thing has happened to me. FYL... sucks so bad.


Monikabug 9
Blue_Coconuts 7

Yeah... That's why I don't really keep water in my bag. Shitty.

Monikabug 9

This is definitely one of those situations that we can all relate to. This has happened to me several times through the years! Just set everything out to try and try to save as much of it as you can.

Rawr0_oRawr0_o 0

You deserve it for drinking water.

Yes. I want to say YDI for leaving the water in your bag or not making sure the cap was on tightly but this happens to everyone. FYL. Try carefully laying each piece flat and letting it air-dry.

this happend to me today except with a bottle of perfume :/ ahhh not fun.

Monikabug 9

@40, at least all of your belongings smell nice! :)

not if its a whole bottle. that could be a little strong.

it was. my bag smelled like nollie from pac sun all day :P annd that stuff is strong. i was sad because the bottle cracked open too ): it was my favorite kind toooo! blehh

Duran40 0

Ya haha. Happened to me too. But with Chocolate milk... and it happened in tha middle of class

PiiScHkE 0
Duran40 0

I forgot I had a chocolate milk. That's what I get for grabbing 2 ha.

bezach 0

happened to me if your an A student np lol...

it wouldbe a double fml if they were thirsty

vansbabe66 0

why would u leave a water bottle in ur bag? that's dumb

Maybe because he gets thirsty? Common sense fail.

Myaybe because he's a she? Gender fail.

Felendris 0

well, this may be random but I have to say, your aunt failed pretty hard. along with the bed. I'm actually currently putting it back together at the moment >_>

HamsteronA 0

put it on a radiator for 10 mins. WOW! it's dry!

theian01 3

WOW! You still can't read the notes!

ah who doesn't this happen to. it was with yoghurt for a girl in my class so consider yourself lucky

The same exact thing has happened to me. FYL... sucks so bad.

that happened also to me, with a banana :( my mum wanted me to be healthy so she snuck a banana into my bag without telling me, and of course, my books squished it so everything was sticky and brown :/ and smelly...

That description also fits the result of something I did not to long ago with a friend.

brieanna101 0

hahaha!! FYL mannn! well enless, you could just explain that your water bottle spilled. teachers are cool when you are straightfwd with them. WOOH!

brieanna101 0

haha plus, I did that one time..I had my phone and camera in my purse, and I also had a pepsi. yeah.. the pepsi exploded. it sucked. alot.

Ajjas013 6

#23 Your not that cool either. Anyway you just made a judgemental statement.. but so did I, I suppose. :)

mama2b3 20

@12 idk where you are from but most of the time teachers are not cool, even if you are 'straightforward' with them. OP- fyl

mama2b3 20

@12 idk where you are from but most of the time teachers are not cool, even if you are 'straightforward' with them. OP- fyl

mama2b3 20

oops sorry bout the double post :/