By Oja1 - 16/12/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, my mother sold my extensive Star Wars collection, and I cried when I found out. I'm 46. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 550
You deserved it 27 574

Same thing different taste


ariellejen 7

Move out of your mother's house, get a ******* job, and get ******* married, ******* ******. I would've done this when I was 19, The fact that your still living with your mother disgusts me.

ariellejen 7

Ok. so you cried about star wars books or whatever, your 46, you live with your mother, and you aint married. well, time to find a NEW life.

When will these ignorant, hateful douches, realize that if he is 46, and has an EXTENSIVE Star Wars collection, this means that he has been collecting these things with pride and love for many years, and that its not like he can just reclaim his money(besides, its a personal collection, and the worth of collectibles is always sketchy, so she may not even have gotten what is was really worth). He obviously has a love for the items in the collection, no matter what they're worth. He'll NEVER be able to get his collection back. EVER, because she probably sold it as separate pieces, or sold it to a person who's gonna sell it to other people, or even to a collector who is gonna fight tooth and claw to keep the great collection. This poor man just lost something he has been working probably his whole life for, probably the thing he takes the most pride in.

Dude, I feel so bad for you, star wars is the best thing ever

fth_morgan 3

Haha dude that's awesome!(: no joke I probably would to star wars is da BOMB(:

katiedoll6 7

Grow up yeah thumb this down it's just my opinion ok