By Oja1 - 16/12/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, my mother sold my extensive Star Wars collection, and I cried when I found out. I'm 46. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 550
You deserved it 27 574

Same thing different taste


Why would you want to admit this to the world?

I don't blame you. Probably would've sold for thousands...

My mom did something similar. Se is a clean freak and was staying at my house visiting. she broken open a seal glass case to clean " that damn dirty rifle" with some acid cleaner and CLR. It destroyed (basically dissolved) my antique Remington Zigzag derringer, It was worth about $20,000. She is now sitting in prison. For damages for 4 years plus so cash to replace it, still no where near enough.

zzzmonkey 5

Talk about 40 year old virgin

Oh my god get out of the basement and get some friends

Quadroblitz 10

Actually, Star Wars is awesome and the figures (depending on which set they were) probably have a value of over $1000. So kindly shut the **** up.

Your life does suck. I would of killed for that. :p