By Oja1 - 16/12/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, my mother sold my extensive Star Wars collection, and I cried when I found out. I'm 46. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 550
You deserved it 27 574

Same thing different taste


magnetic_aura 26

Why was she able to sell it?! Hopefully you at least get the money, OP!

Im not a star wars fan however I bet the collection didn't come cheap. that really sucks to have happened

Hey, man. When you spend a lot of time and effort on something you love, you tend to get really attached. It's okay.

Forget the age. That's worth crying over. Then again, when my parents were together we watched the trilogy at thanksgiving, so Star Wars also reminds me of some good times of my childhood