By Oja1 - 16/12/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, my mother sold my extensive Star Wars collection, and I cried when I found out. I'm 46. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 550
You deserved it 27 574

Same thing different taste


wannbaussiegurl 4

there are no words to describe you...

AshitaNoYuki 3

Actually, I could see my 47 year old military-man dad crying if someone sold his Star Wars collection. I know I would. Cheer up OP...... Well, ok, actually, you can cry over this one.

Cry your wookie heart out brutha, FYL!!!

the virginity is strong with this one it is

williamsgirl93 0

So that's theft, demand that she pay you what your collection was worth - you said it was extensive so I'm assuming you were collecting seriously and probably have records of all your purchases and maybe photographs. If she refuses then it may be worth taking her to court, I'm guessing that could be a lot of value. For the negative posts - we have not established he lives with his mother, and if the collectible items were say car models/engines, or vinyl records would you still be being as condescending and judgmental?

redhedsaysrawr 18

"we have not established he lives with his mother" ..... hes 46 years old and has an extensive star wars collection? ???? and his mother SOLD it... so, what, you think his mom just randomly walked into his home and took his collection and sold it when he wasnt looking? be logical here! im begging...

never said he didnt live with his mother........ use logic to realize that, douche.

oops it posted on the wrong comment, but to him its not the value. its that hell never get HIS prized collection back, and thats why he cried.

awesomelikethat 0

You realize you are making fun of yourself, right?

SakuraFubuki92 12