By Uhohwemadeamistake - 29/09/2017 16:00

Today, my new neighbor broke into our new house because his key didn't work. We just closed on the house this week and changed the locks when footprints were found in the bathtub after the cleaning crew went through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 644
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The nerve of some people! Why would you change the locks without getting a spare for your neighbor?! How else are they going to stand in your bathtub, huh? Didn’t think that through, did you, buddy?

Lobby_Bee 17

Don't clean the footprints yet, it can be used to ID your neighbors. Get the cops involved, cause last time I checked, B&E is an arrestable crime.


So was the neighbor responsible for leaving the footprints in the bathtub?

The nerve of some people! Why would you change the locks without getting a spare for your neighbor?! How else are they going to stand in your bathtub, huh? Didn’t think that through, did you, buddy?

Exactly how does it help your neighbor to break into your house when his key doesn't work? Do you have a spare key to his house in your home?

Rachael Ferguson 10

The OP means that the neighbor’s key to the OP’s new house didn’t work because it was a key fit for the old locks.

In most places, there are some nice people who will straighten out someone who goes places where they are not supposed to go. I forget their name, but their phone number is easy: 911.

Lobby_Bee 17

Don't clean the footprints yet, it can be used to ID your neighbors. Get the cops involved, cause last time I checked, B&E is an arrestable crime.

noonenoeone 22

There is not a chance in hell you'll get the cops to ID someone from footprints because of this. Unless they killed someone nothing will be done. You could have a full color photo of the person and evidence of the break-in and still you'd be hard pressed to even get the neighbor arrested, much less prosecuted. I know from experience of having my place broken into and robbed twice in a week with video of the crime along with other evidence.

Same. They won't dust for prints either

I think I know what happened; your neighbor had a stash (cash, drugs, other) in the house and couldn't get it out beforehand.

I have to assume you called the police and reported it. Otherwise you are very, very foolish.

Lucky O'Guin 18

This became an FML the very minute that he broke into your house. The very next three steps were: 1). Call 911. 2). Call a locksmith. 3). Send the locksmith to change the locks on your idiot neighbor's house and bring you the keys.

i would be looking for cameras ..what else is someone doing in the tub with shoes on?

I just want to know why he felt the need to break in and stand in the bath tub ?