By FishFlingingMonkey - 22/08/2015 03:55 - Canada - Saint John

Today, I was eating and my dog kept bothering me. She kept scratching my legs for food, so I took a large piece of fish from my plate and tossed it out into the hallway. It flew right into my mother's face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 303
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But why wouldn't you just toss it down onto the floor near your dog?

Hopefully your mother understands! Wish you luck, cause we all know how scary mothers can be at times.


But why wouldn't you just toss it down onto the floor near your dog?

RockyCharleyChar 8

More than likely, OP threw the food down the hallway so his dog would run away from him while he's eating. I don't think he anticipated his mom being there, though lol.

Why wouldn't you train your dog not to do that in the first place?

Maybe because you can't train any animal to not be hungry

You can train an animal not to beg for human food. And give them plenty of healthy dog food. My dog knows not to beg.

I'm sure that didn't go over well with mother. Hopefully she'll understand!

you threw it at the bitch! anybody? no? ok... jk FYL and im sure she is a very nice lady

lexiale 10

That's a fishy situation. ^and a lame comment all in one

you threw it at the wrong bitch... anybody? no? ok... Jk im sure she is a very nice lady

Now she can say she caught a flying fish

even more importantly, she caught it with her face.

Hopefully your mother understands! Wish you luck, cause we all know how scary mothers can be at times.