By peneloperigby - 03/02/2009 06:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother called to say that my 11-year-old nephew found my secret stash of nipple tassels, furry hand cuffs, and a bottle of lube. He doesn't want to visit me anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 058
You deserved it 32 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't want him over anymore if he's digging through your stuff! What a little brat!

Guiseppi 0

Heh, nipple tassels. That's just funny.


Imdead 0

And what do you do for a living?

sanjuro_fml 0

Tell the kid's ma to keep him out your stuff or you going to use it on him!

macfluffers 0

This is why locks were invented. I think.

Guiseppi 0

Heh, nipple tassels. That's just funny.

I wouldn't want him over anymore if he's digging through your stuff! What a little brat!

Emmett_Luver_101 0

ok numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 *ESPECIALLY 9* and 12 MADE MY DAY LOL and poster ive been in the kids shoes before i was looking around in my famlies closet and found nipple cream gag and my mom could have lied, cuz i told her at first i thought it belonged to the people that lived there before us, but she actually told me it was hers i dont go in the closet anymore oooo i should make that an fml lol

and how old is the