By szechuansauce - 10/04/2017 20:00

Today, my nine-year-old niece found my coloring book that features swear words. I took it away and hid it in a different spot. No less than an hour later, her younger sister found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 048
You deserved it 1 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you need to find some better hiding spots

TMO2142 25

Take a drawer out of a dresser, then put it under the bottem drawer.


Sounds like you need to find some better hiding spots

Isn't there anywhere out of reach for her ?

TMO2142 25

Take a drawer out of a dresser, then put it under the bottem drawer.

GeneralMotors 23

I wonder why you have a coloring book meant for adults

ImminentDisaster 12

Tell them they're not allowed to search around and to use stuff you have not given permission to play with.

Bunnybear132 1

This is a Fml!? I let my seven year old sister in-law pick out the ones she wanted from mine! Granted I hate her mother and didn't really care if it pissed her off or not (it didn't) but it still made me laugh hearing her ask "what's a cum ****?"

is nobody going to point out the coloring book that features swear words?

Adult coloring book for stress relief and anxiety. They're pretty common nowadays.