By peacock_mina19 - 11/02/2009 00:08 - United States

Today, my mother and I got into a huge fight about me being a lesbian. It ended with me saying "Fuck you!" to which she responded: "I bet you'd probably like to." FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 983
You deserved it 27 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marny_fml 0

wtf #7? your mother sounds incredibly immature. i'm sorry.

most ridiculous comeback I've heard ... ever. Your mother sounds immature, and most likely at a loss for words.


mad_hatter0666 22

your mom is disgusting and is a prime example of close minded, red neck, right wing Christian America.

you're ******* stupid. she didn't put a second would

makann 0

I agree wiff Steve she said you'd probly like to.... there isn't another would stupid

yep but this is a respond made for #1which he put double would

Hahah owned, totally suport u tho I'm bi :) live long and prosper V

I'd do the same thing if I was your mom..... you stupid lesbo!

..............seriously? ...............

my mother cried.. then asked about the 'mechanics' of things... that was a weird brunch..