By The_failure - 18/04/2019 20:00

Today, I found myself sitting in the bathroom at work searching the internet for the alcohol and caloric content of cool mint Listerine. I now believe that I may have a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 737
You deserved it 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

If it makes you feel better, I’m almost always pooping when I check FML. To include right now.

Jesus buddy, relax with the judgements and assumptions, yeah?


when the bank account ran dry didnt clue you in or the drunk driving or abuse to another living thing if those arent issues i dont see why killing yourself in a slow enjoyable way is a bad thing

Jesus buddy, relax with the judgements and assumptions, yeah?

Why? Is there poor Wi-Fi reception in the bathroom at work now?

bloopaloop 27

If it makes you feel better, I’m almost always pooping when I check FML. To include right now.

That sounds like a... ... wait on it... ... shitty situation.

HCL Burn 1

alcoholism is a real bitch man.

I glad to see you watching the calories. It’s not too bad to be a drunk, but it’s awful to be a fat drunk!

Sonotsuave 35

Uh. Yeah I would get some help unless for some reason you’ve never used mouthwash before and are interested in the components...get help and good luck

manb91uk 22

You do if it says "Alcohol free" on the label