By happiestturtle - 08/06/2016 15:21 - United States - Chicago

Today, my mom thought the best way to stop me from taking people to my room was by changing my wallpaper into a nursery-themed one. Now I get to see bunnies, letter blocks and teddy bears all day long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 985
You deserved it 1 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's obviously getting ready for the possible baby!

It's okay. Wear your diapers and suck on your pacifier like a good little OP. Just wait until you can use the potty like a big kid!


It's okay. Wear your diapers and suck on your pacifier like a good little OP. Just wait until you can use the potty like a big kid!

She's obviously getting ready for the possible baby!

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She wants a baby so bad, take a crap in a diaper and leave it in her room lmao

Babies aren't the only ones who wear a diaper, you know. Not only are diapers comfy, never having to worry about finding a bathroom is worth it. My toilet comes with me.

They so need to add a Love it button for comments/replies like this

My dog is giving me a weird look from cackling so loudly.

Start taking them to your mom's room...

i'd be perfectly fine with that. Getting to see teddy bears all day and night? That'd help me with nightmares!

I feel like that would give me nightmares

But teddy bears are so soft and cuddly! Plus bunnies are cute. And blocks will help with homework to remember those ABC's.

#6 unless you have played Five Nights At Freddy's

zeffra13 31

While that's annoying, it really doesn't affect anything. All you have to say is your mom is playing a prank on you, & if your friends make too big a deal out of it then maybe you should reconsider them as friends. I'm more curious about why your mom is so bent against people being in your room.

katachristic 19

Well OP could get creative and add paint details over them to make the animals look like they came out of horror movies. Might not help her get lucky but her mom would probably regret giving her that wallpaper.

Why are you in your bedroom all day long OP?

olpally 32

Sounds like a happy room to be in.