By AwkwardPotato - 02/07/2013 02:37 - United States - Bakersfield

Today, my mom signed me up for a swimming class to show my sister there's nothing to be afraid of. Considering I'm 17, I assumed I'd be in an advanced class. Instead, I get to spend summer blowing bubbles in the shallow end with four-year-olds as my little sister cheers me on from the steps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 932
You deserved it 3 758

Same thing different taste

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On the bright side, you're not drowning.

expertsmilee 26

Your showing your little sister there's nothing to be scared of. You're a good big sis/bro


On the bright side, you're not drowning.

friedpwnadge 25

You could always be wearing floaties. Just take it in stride and be happy.

I see no FML here. everyone learns how to swim/ride a bike, etc; eventually.

#47 It's because she is 17 in a 4 year olds section, as her younger sister, who should be in this section, is cheering her on.

Just because you're older doesn't make you better hence why you're not in advanced classes because you're not ready for it.

#54 I don't think you understood the FML. OPs mom signed him up for swim lessons to show his little sister there's nothing to be afraid of. The OP also implied that they know how to swim, hence them thinking they would be in an advanced class.

This EXACT same thing happened to me (I was only 15, not 17). I evenly got out of it after just 3 lessons.

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Pwn17 25

You must feel like a fish out of water.

I feel you. I was the oldest person in my swimming class. A 13 year old with a bunch of seven year olds. It's really embarassing.

On the bright side, you're learning how to swim. It might be embarrassing now, but you'll be happy you did it later on in life. :)

#29. OP already knows how to swim, but is supposed to do this simply as encouragement for the younger sister, so she won't be scared when it's her turn.

Look on the bright side, she will be a bubble blowing pro by the time she can swim. (;

You wanna learn how to swim just jump off a boat into a lake. It will come to you quickly. That's how I learned. Granted I was thrown off as a kid. Although I did have a life jacket on.

that's not swimming then.. that's just floating in a lake with a life jacket flailing your limbs.....

Llama_Face89 33

I fell off the back of my dads boat when I was a little over 1 year old. Probably should have been keeping a better eye on me. But I ended up one of the fastest kids on my swim team later on! XD

True but that erased most fear of the lake and after I was more eager to learn to swim.

Okay - how could I put this simply to the people who are bragging about falling off a boat at a young age ... YOU. COULD. OF. DROWNED. Yes, the life jacket could help you, but falling off a boat with a motor going isn't a smart idea.

If you're going to emphasize a word with all caps and a period after each word, then at least use proper grammar. The term is could have, not could of.

expertsmilee 26

Your showing your little sister there's nothing to be scared of. You're a good big sis/bro

Me too! You seem like the best sister to do that, and your little sister sound adorable! ^_^

Aww! Thanks extremely sweet, OP. FYL for being the odd one out, but be happy that your sis is becoming less afraid due to your perseverance to stick with the kiddie lessons. Let her cheer you on, then do the same when she starts her lessons.

Just think, you are a role model for your sister! She probably thinks you are a very brave person!

Wouldn't it be better to show her the classes instead of having you do it?

Actually, in some families siblings do not get along well. Especially when they steal items from you, but on topic not all of the time a little sibling wants to be compared to the eldest.