By dirtyclothess - 02/05/2011 00:01

Today, my mom informed me that she doesn't wash my clothes anymore. Instead, she sprays them with Febreze to "save money". FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 933
You deserved it 8 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ever heard of washing your own clothes?

Sounds like it's now time to do your own laundry, kiddo. :)


badgirl90987 9

how old are you? my god kid.. I think your moms hinting at you to wash your own damn clothes. this shouldn't be a FML.

YuukiKuranVk 0

thats disgusting... of course water doesnt really cost all that much so u must be dirt poor lol

dalia23 0

that sucks but wouldn't u notice ?

HOW old are you?! Why don't you try washing your own clothes?

Yes, by all means start washing your own clothes. It isn't hard. I was eight years old when I started doing laundry and not much has changed in washing machine operation from then to now, so I would think if the OP can operate a computer well enough to post an FMI, then the OP is capable of tossing soap and clothes into the washer and turning it on.

you don't do your own laundry? what are you, 7?

rhpsfan9 10

wash your own clothes or take them to a laundry mat. Problem solved.