By speed-dialing dr kevorkian - 27/02/2016 07:25 - United States - Two Rivers

Today, my mom came home heavily drunk. As I was taking care of her, she told me all about how I was a mistake. That didn't hurt nearly as much as when she told me she wishes I'd died during her pregnancy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 143
You deserved it 1 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to have a serious talk with your mother when she's sober.

Most of these fml's are funny... But this is just sad. I'm sorry for what your mom said. It doesn't make it any less true because she's drunk, she just doesn't care that she said it.


a drunk person's words are a sober person's thoughts


You didn't choose to exist- you are here because of choices that your mother made. Any issues or regrets she may have over being a mother (or becoming one at the wrong time) are entirely her fault and not yours. Hurting you isn't going to undo any of it- she needs to learn to internally validate and leave her hurts in the past. Celebrate that you are here, OP and never feel guilty about it.

I'm so glad my parents don't drink. But that's Sergio. I hope you talk to her about that

Geek_Freak 13

Don't listen to her. She's just drunk and doesn't know what she's saying. You're needed and wanted in this world.

I know how you feel, this has happened many times to me and it sucks. It's crazy how someone who claims to love you can talk about how much of a disappointment and terrible person you are. But don't worry OP. If there's anything I've learnt, our mothers cannot depict who we are and you are here for a reason and you are needed much more in this world than she may realize and one day you will show her how glad she should be that you are here

Seriously, get away from that woman. She sounds like a monster.

Supernatural1234 16

What the absolute ****? I would seriously think about talking to her when she decides to be sober again.

OP, don't take it to the heart. She isn't in her right mind. Let her settle down. Then talk to her