Spirits, awake!

By liza - 29/03/2021 16:59

Today, since my alarm didn’t go off at 7 a.m., I awoke to my mother attempting to perform Necromancy on me “as a joke.” She wore a black robe and everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 816
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother has good taste. I got a lot of "wake the dead" comments as a teenager for not getting up, but my dad's favorite escalation was an ice cube down the back. A fake necromancy ritual though, cosplay and all, is creative and original. Your mom gets major internet points!

Retaliate by performing a exorcism on her


Retaliate by performing a exorcism on her

Your mother has good taste. I got a lot of "wake the dead" comments as a teenager for not getting up, but my dad's favorite escalation was an ice cube down the back. A fake necromancy ritual though, cosplay and all, is creative and original. Your mom gets major internet points!

bleachedraven 14

You forgot to mention whether or not you pissed the bed in sheer terror.

My mother is an alcoholic and would throw me out the bed if I slept in even a little bit. Wanna trade?