By vanillapudding6 - 14/10/2015 01:21 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my mom and dad went to court to negotiate child support for me and my brothers. During the meeting, my dad was asked, "Sir, are you saying that the only reason you want your sons to live with you full time is so you don't have to pay child support?" To which he responded, "Yes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 253
You deserved it 1 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mimiminx 23

That's awful and so stupid! He obviously doesn't realise that it's way more expensive to be the resident parent anyway, so the jokes on him!

ugh, unfortunately all it takes to be a father is fertilizing an's a shame some people can't be banned from procreating :(


You should've pretended to be a victim of child abuse haha That would've shown him

Well I guess full custody goes to your mother. And you dead beat dumb ass father has to start paying child support.

Well I hope he didn't get custody, the jerk

That doesn't surprise me...but usually fathers are pretty big givers...

your father sounds like a major douche. good luck OP. I hope that your mother gets custody (providing that she is the better and caring parent) and I hope that things work out for you.

Ninjerman 7

******* sad!!!! I'm sorry OP. *hug*

I'm so sorry OP, my dad did the same thing. He got me to move in with him just so he wouldn't have to pay child support.. It's a shitty feeling.

He also sounds more than a little like an idiot, is your mom well to do? Cause I don't see how he thinks he's not going to be supporting you guys.

wordygirl 11

I'm truly sorry this has happened to you. My biological "father" signed all his legal rights to me at the tender age of 3 to avoid child support. He moved all the way across the country to California where it was party time, early 70's. There are way worse douchebag dads, hope that makes you feel better.