By vanillapudding6 - 14/10/2015 01:21 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my mom and dad went to court to negotiate child support for me and my brothers. During the meeting, my dad was asked, "Sir, are you saying that the only reason you want your sons to live with you full time is so you don't have to pay child support?" To which he responded, "Yes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 253
You deserved it 1 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mimiminx 23

That's awful and so stupid! He obviously doesn't realise that it's way more expensive to be the resident parent anyway, so the jokes on him!

ugh, unfortunately all it takes to be a father is fertilizing an's a shame some people can't be banned from procreating :(


My real dad tried to get out of paying child support by signing an affidavit saying my brother and I weren't his kids. I don't understand how people can show such little regard for their children. Not to sound cliche, but OP's better off without him. I know I was.

I'm so sorry for you! I hope your mom will take better care of you and your brothers.

Another FML I accidentally hit YDI instead of FYL... Ugh. I always tap FYL too, but I feel so bad... Oops!

Ok, I take that back. Your dad is really heartless for saying something like that. I mean, you're his child for God's sake! I really do hope that you end up with your mother, mom's are usually the more caring parent anyway. Good luck, and I hope everything turns out well!

SystemofaBlink41 27

Moms are usually the ones who **** over the Dads in the divorce settlements. See, we can all play "say the stereotype and make it fact", too!

"Mom's are usually the more caring parent." Uh no, you need to look into what you're saying.

I've seen many fathers who are so much better than the mother. It's thinking like that which causes kids to end up with the mother despite that, and there are some really cruel people out there that uses the child against the other. Gender doesn't dictate how someone is as a parent, the person does.

well you really shouldn't lie in court so...

looks like the **** you you dad has a few more occupants

Yeah that sucks. Pretty dick things to say. But I might not read in so much to it. It could just mean that he's going to be the same dad to you even if you don't live there but would rather spend it on you than hand it to your mom and trust her to spend it on you. Best to think of adults in these cases as 2nd graders with really nice toys.

Luxray24 13

I like this comment. Really interesting perspective. It makes you think.

My brother's ex wife did the exact same thing. My brother got the kids