By vanillapudding6 - 14/10/2015 01:21 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my mom and dad went to court to negotiate child support for me and my brothers. During the meeting, my dad was asked, "Sir, are you saying that the only reason you want your sons to live with you full time is so you don't have to pay child support?" To which he responded, "Yes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 252
You deserved it 1 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mimiminx 23

That's awful and so stupid! He obviously doesn't realise that it's way more expensive to be the resident parent anyway, so the jokes on him!

ugh, unfortunately all it takes to be a father is fertilizing an's a shame some people can't be banned from procreating :(


wordygirl 11

*signed away all his legal rights. I should have said.

At least your dad didn't tell you to "Hurry up and turn 18, so I don't have to pay this shit anymore." when he never paid my mom child support in the first place and worked under the table, so his wages wouldn't get garnished. Gotta love them deadbeats!

The court only wanted $75 a month from him too, but apparently, that's just too much. Oh and on top of that, he would never see me or even call to wish me a happy birthday. I'm pretty sure he even forgot how old I was once and even asked what day my birthday was again. I consider you blessed lol.

Smilesalot421 10

idk how someone could not want there kids. this world is headed to hell

To be fair, he only said that (aside from the child support), he'd be okay with you not living with him. Not that he'd be okay with never seeing you again.

Tell him that you don't want to pay for his funeral... some dad you've got OP ;(

I'm right there with you... I know it hurts but you're better off without him.

Wouldn't it costs more to raise a child full-time?

My mom was too busy getting drunk and high to be bothered to appear in court when I was 3. I think somehow that's better than your situation, OP. Sorry your dad sucks so much.

Just say you don't want to pay for his funeral.

In pretty sure having kids live with you costs more and takes more effort than paying child support