By Bad Mum? - 31/03/2019 23:00 - United Kingdom - Harrow

Today, my eldest son told me he wishes he lived with his dad. This after I, two years ago, managed to get myself and my children out of the abusive situation we were in. Why? He didn't want to tidy his toys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 487
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i just have to say im proud of you for leaving him ♡ i am a survivor of being emotional abused as a child

Hi OP, I lived in a split household, and let me tell you that you are doing nothing wrong. Chances are, if the father has shared custody, he spoils the son, and tries to make him want to live there more. The son probably tells you that he wants to live with the other parent because he knows that's leverage against you. Don't let it get to you, or else he wins


i just have to say im proud of you for leaving him ♡ i am a survivor of being emotional abused as a child

Hi OP, I lived in a split household, and let me tell you that you are doing nothing wrong. Chances are, if the father has shared custody, he spoils the son, and tries to make him want to live there more. The son probably tells you that he wants to live with the other parent because he knows that's leverage against you. Don't let it get to you, or else he wins

manb91uk 22

You need to understand... He is only 6, he will grow out of it

bl3ur0z3 17
manb91uk 22
bl3ur0z3 17

My son is 17. For years I cried myself to sleep when he would tell me that he can't wait for his dad to get custody, he can't wait until he never has to see me again, he hates me etc. It was always because I would discipline while his father would reward.... Right now, he doesn't speak to his father at all, he tells me everyday he loves me, he's graduating early, he does his chores and then some without complaint. I can't believe all we went through, but this is where we ended up. Hang in there, you've got a long road ahead of you, but he'll come around.

Tell him if he doesn’t pick up his toys, you’ll hit him like daddy used to. That’ll make him pick them up.

TxKitten79 10

I fell you. It's a phase, and it will pass. My 13 year old went through it at one point "I cant6wait till I'm 14 and can tell the judge I want to love with my dad." Eventually he realized his sperm donor is worthless. He now doesn't want to even see his father. I know it hurts, o.p. But what he's going through is normal, and as he gets older he'll see truths and realize which parent really loves him.

tounces7 27

Eldest? Like he's 5, and the others are even younger?