By E…… - 02/03/2009 17:28 - United States

Today, while driving my kids to school, my son said, "Why don't you find another place to live, so we can just live with daddy?" Then my daughter added, "Yeah, 'cause we LOVE Daddy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 346
You deserved it 8 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It really makes me wonder why your kids would say something like that. I know they sometimes say things they don't mean because they don't know any better... But I don't know. I'm not trying to say you are a bad mother or anything, it just makes me wonder.


brunettesara5722 17

you should really leave them for a couple of days then they will really appreciate you!

Boredumm 6

I agree with the above just take a break from the kids for awhile live at a friends/parents for a week would be nice to take a break from the kids and see what the kids reaction might be

Are you mean to your kids, though? Too strict? Maybe there's reason behind what the kids are saying, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it. And like #1 said, kids say the darnest things.

Boredumm 6

eh but out of the two one of them had to be strict I mean they both can't be all laid back and say it's okay to do whatever you want :/

It really makes me wonder why your kids would say something like that. I know they sometimes say things they don't mean because they don't know any better... But I don't know. I'm not trying to say you are a bad mother or anything, it just makes me wonder.

Sometimes kids are mean as hell. They don't really get the weight of their words. So long as you're not an abusive dick don't take it too personally.

On the bright side, you son won't have an Oedipus complex.

but her daughter got the elektra complex though :/

I'm with #4, they often don't get how serious something they say is.

sugarcupcake 0

I can't imagine, that would really hurt my feelings. I babysit for two kids and they told me they thought I was mean...(I can assure you I let them get away with everything)...I was so sad!

you shouldn't ever let kids get away with everything

I guess they want to spend more time with their daddy.