By Sadfaic - 23/01/2012 02:59 - United States

Today, my long lost father came to visit me. He got drunk, then tried to beat me up. My neighbor called the police, and as soon as they got there, my father yelled, "Help! This man tried to stab me!" The sad part is, they believed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 636
You deserved it 2 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry OP :( I think you are better off without him.

didn't they believe the neighbor? and couldn't they smell the alcohol? wow...FYL


lucyinthesky420 10

That's horrible they didn't believe you... Did they not notice your dad was wasted? Lolll.

yup, sounds about right for the U.S. law enforcement system. Sorry OP.

RedPillSucks 31

The cops dont have lie detectors as standard equipment. They may start out believing one sides story. Hopefully, after questioning and assessing the situation they came to the right conclusion. Being a cop is a hard job, especially in a "domestic" dispute where it's not clear who the bad guy is.

clue_me_in 20

You father is a dick, and you're better off without him. I hope they believe you now OP.

OP, this is awful I am so sorry for you. Hopefully the police will come to their senses, if he bashed you go to the hospital get them to check you out and get a statement.

You should have went along with it and said you tried to stab him because he tried to touch you.

DeadxManxWalking 27
bizarre_ftw 21