By BritishDates - 22/08/2018 13:00

Today, my long-distance British boyfriend of 7 years canceled his plane ticket to visit me in the USA. He claims he "doesn't have enough money" to stay for 2 weeks. As I began canceling all the reservations, he called to say he bought a new car and a house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 806
You deserved it 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can see his priorities. You are not one of them. Your call if you want to keep up the illusion.

I have British relatives, so I've learned that the word you need to call your boyfriend is "wanker". And then you dump him.


I have British relatives, so I've learned that the word you need to call your boyfriend is "wanker". And then you dump him.

Was going to suggest “tosser” but yes wanker is better

Call him to say you have a new bf and move on. I have FB friends who are more committed than this guy is to you.

He's not your real-life boyfriend, he's only your imaginary boyfriend. Dump this illusion and look for a real man.

You can see his priorities. You are not one of them. Your call if you want to keep up the illusion.

Seems he may have forgotten a possible wife in that mix...

Wow but sorry your daft to the fact you are his American side chick and he probably has a wife because in most European countries it's traditional to buy a new car and house with the wedding gifts after getting married 🤔😕

You know, after 7 years he might be getting the new stuff because he's planning to marry you and get you to come live in England with him.

Did you pay for the ticket, or did he? I hope for your sake that he did... Also, who stays in a bf/gf relationship, especially one long-distance, for that long? How do you know that he doesn’t have a side chick?

That's not a long distance relationship, that's an international safety hook up.