Channeling Gordon Ramsay

By ThisIsGonnaBeALongFewDays - 13/02/2023 22:00

Today, my cousin came by to visit, and we went out to a pizza restaurant for dinner. She’s a very picky eater, so much so that she takes the cheese off the pizza, despite me politely asking her not to. One of the chefs walks by, sees it, and yells, “What have you done to my beautiful pizza!?” at us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 718
You deserved it 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, you can order the pizza without cheese.

My son was allergic to dairy when he was young, but he loved pizza. If you order pizza without cheese it comes out very dry. I used to order a cheese pizza and add his cheese to my slices. The cheese keeps the pizza sauce from drying out when it’s cooked.


You know, you can order the pizza without cheese.

My son was allergic to dairy when he was young, but he loved pizza. If you order pizza without cheese it comes out very dry. I used to order a cheese pizza and add his cheese to my slices. The cheese keeps the pizza sauce from drying out when it’s cooked.

Your cousin should order a 16-century-style pizza. It's just a bread frisbee. She sould love it.

Why, if she doesn't eat cheese, did you go to a place that serves food literally covered in cheese?