By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I walked out to my car to see four kids taking the hubcaps, radio, and license plates off of my truck. I chased them six blocks until I tripped and twisted my ankle. I limped back to my car and found a ticket on my windshield for $55 dollars. The reason? Missing license plates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 628
You deserved it 3 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did they write you out a ticket with no license plates? Just a description of the truck? :/

sorry to hear that. so unfortunate can you fight that ticket? that seems like a legit reason, just hard to show proof


Monty_Python 0

sorry to hear that. so unfortunate can you fight that ticket? that seems like a legit reason, just hard to show proof

Actually you can't... Happened to my hubby... We tried.....

that really sucks man wish you the best and thats a true FML

How did they write you out a ticket with no license plates? Just a description of the truck? :/

You should've kept limping after them, or at least tried to get someone to help, if they were around. At least you know your plate number though so if they for some stupid reason, put it on their vehicle, you can find 'em.

Cops won't write tickets for parked cars. So unless someone else was driving your truck, and then while they were driving it someone stole the radio, hubcaps, and licence plates, and then instead of jumping in your truck to chase them, you decided to run. I call fake


megamcfly 1

That's actually not true at all. They write tickets for parked cars all of the time.

Ouch and yeah, why didn't you chase them on the truck?

"Cops won't write tickets for parked cars." Have you ever heard of parking illegally?

yeah, I hav gotten a ticket for "illegal parking" sorry to hear about your luck