By bald baby - 02/12/2018 05:00

Today, despite my protests and warnings, my mother-in-law decided to chemically straighten my bi-racial daughter’s very curly hair. Hours later, not only is her scalp is raw and red, her hair is stringy completely fried and coming out in huge noticeable clumps. Fml
I agree, your life sucks 4 023
You deserved it 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your mother in law cannot respect your decisions, she should not be allowed anywhere near your child again, period.

kricket5 19

Protests and warnings?! There’s no way that woman would’ve gotten anywhere near my daughter’s hair unless she was 18 and could make her own decisions. **** your daughter’s life. Her father & grandmother are both clearly incompetent.


kricket5 19

Protests and warnings?! There’s no way that woman would’ve gotten anywhere near my daughter’s hair unless she was 18 and could make her own decisions. **** your daughter’s life. Her father & grandmother are both clearly incompetent.

I wouldn’t say the father isn’t competent. It’s possible the daughter was staying the night with the MIL, and that’s when she did it. And the daughter could be young enough to not know to protest.

bass_ftp 12

Why is the father incompetent? Why not the mother posting this fml that from the looks of it clearly knew what was going to happen and still let it happen. If the father also knew then they just share the responsibility.

Mooglefox 23

Hey, we haven’t heard anything on the father’s thoughts on the whole thing. He may not have wanted his mother to touch his daughter’s hair and knew nothing about it.

julfunky 29

How do you know the mother is the one posting this? From my view the “avatar” used is that of a male.

How are either mum or dad to blame, when MIL was very clearly told not to do this ? You should be able to expect that MIL listens to the parents, and not goes behind their backs like that. Now they know not to trust her, but it seems before this they seemed to think it would be enough to inform her what not not to do. And come one, for any normal person this should be enough. Going against the parents wishes like that is unacceptable, and if my mum did that she would lose any alone time with the kid for the foreseeable future, and only regains that trust if she shows she really understand what she did wrong and promises to never do it again under threat to not see the kids again if she ***** up another time like that.

heck, I'd look into child abuse charges.

This. If MIL has shampoo that only she uses, put some nair or hair removal stuff into the bottle...

PenguinPal3017 19

If someone hurt my daughter like this they'd be eating their meals through a straw.

If your mother in law cannot respect your decisions, she should not be allowed anywhere near your child again, period.

whiskey'swino 15

I think that is a FML for the daughter more than anyone!

Umm I hope you called CPS on that **** that's wrong on so many levels your kid will probably be bald forever the acid used to do that kills the hair follicles sorry for your daughter OP

If she didn't check she had the right strength and refused to do the skin and strand safety tests then that's assult with a corrosive substance, love...