By waterproblem - 27/05/2009 23:10 - United States

Today, my last task for the day as a high school janitor was to power-wash the concrete area where the graduation ceremony will take place. Tired and bored, I drew a huge penis with the power hose. Right before I was going to wash it off, the machine broke. Graduation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 522
You deserved it 75 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust me, the high school kids will think its hilarious.

This_Guy 0

Just tell them that you actually did your job, but some kids drew that when you left.


They will remember your greatness. And the big penis you drew.

You my good sir are a hero. Don't be bummed. The kids won't be, the blow hard administration will be, but they probably don't pay you enough for you to like them all that much anyways.

coffeennicotine 0

By reading this post, I understand why you're a high school janitor.


shroomis 0

this is the most epic thing ever you are teh kewl

Isn't this exactly the same as the one where the guy was cutting his lawn and the lawnmower broke right after he drew a giant penis in the lawn with it? Fail for being unoriginal.

RubixCube_fml 0

haha if it makes u feel better...the night before our high school pep rally, someone dug out a giant penis in the center of the football can still be viewed from google earth today lol.

lol how old are you? are you retarded? oh wait.. your a high school janitor. FYL! YDI! lol

heard something like that but with a lawnmower >_>

NickelPhosphate 0

Lmaooo It'll give em something to remember, thats for sure hahaha