By waterproblem - 27/05/2009 23:10 - United States

Today, my last task for the day as a high school janitor was to power-wash the concrete area where the graduation ceremony will take place. Tired and bored, I drew a huge penis with the power hose. Right before I was going to wash it off, the machine broke. Graduation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 522
You deserved it 75 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust me, the high school kids will think its hilarious.

This_Guy 0

Just tell them that you actually did your job, but some kids drew that when you left.


fallingforever_fml 0

thats downright amazing. the same thing happened at my high school for our senior prank. its hilarious.

I wish you were my old high school's janitor.

omg why the hell would you do such a stupid thing? but you know i don't think any of the guys will mind they probably think it's very funny

CBeans37 0

that is the best thing ever. i wish there was a huge piece under where my graduation was hahah

lol That is hilarious, though. The students will love it! But if you drew it with a power hose... is that not water? Won't it dry?

bobertnoodle 0

Oh, I never heard that one before.

DamnAshleyyy 0

Haha. This is just like the one where the guy is mowing someone elses lawn and decides to make it into a shape of a penis first. Then right after his lawn mower dies.

3===============D I even draw penises on the interweb!

Why draw penises when you're bored? Because they're penises! Duh. What would you otherwise draw when you're bored? Also, I'd much rather have cool janitors with a sense of humor like this guy as a friend than stuck-up snots like you commentors whining about how childish he is.