By Anonymous - 03/04/2018 15:00

Today, after 38 years of never meeting my dad, and paying a private investigator thousands of pounds over several weeks of searching, I found him living 2 floors down in the same block of flats. He’s the grouchy downstairs neighbour I’ve hated for 6 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 069
You deserved it 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

Oh well, at least you have some common ground... Literally 😂

Dad was living right under your nose all this time.


manb91uk 22

Oh well, at least you have some common ground... Literally 😂

Dad was living right under your nose all this time.

Maybe you should become a PI — you’re more effective than a highly-paid pro! Sorry about your discovery — sounds like a shitty Charles Dickens novel, “Unmet Expectations.”

I think the PI found that out for them. If they have been living there for 6 years, and not find that out, that would make them a shitty PI I think at least.

I read it that the PI was unsuccessful, and that the OP himself found the dad. In either case, the coincidence is Dickensian!

Lobby_Bee 17

You only hate him because you see yourself in him.

And then you realize that, hey, maybe it's for the best that you never knew your dad. The sucky part is that you paid so much for a private investigator to discover he lives in the same block of flats.

ThatGuy9679 13
TrippyEyes 16

As a man who's very fond of puns, I was disappointed upon visiting the comments section