By waterproblem - 27/05/2009 23:10 - United States

Today, my last task for the day as a high school janitor was to power-wash the concrete area where the graduation ceremony will take place. Tired and bored, I drew a huge penis with the power hose. Right before I was going to wash it off, the machine broke. Graduation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 522
You deserved it 75 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust me, the high school kids will think its hilarious.

This_Guy 0

Just tell them that you actually did your job, but some kids drew that when you left.


Skinny89 0

You did their senior prank for them.

imbtrtenu 8

why does everyone who says ydi talk about God?

StreakOfBlue 0

Im not saying YDI you were just trying to entertain yourself but yeah... Can you say fired?

Someone sneaked into my school last night and drew a giant penis in front of the school. At least, that's what we were told... lol

AngryC4t 0

YDI, but this is an epic win.

Gee, you must really miss high school and teh shenanigans. FYL, you we're just trying to have some fun. But I guess the power hose wanted to show you who was boss.

i would have done the exact same thing

LOL. HIGH FIVE MAN. i would've done the exact same thing. :D

I really hope that your're not my janitor. I would cry.