By Himynameisjacob - 05/01/2010 07:18 - United States

Today, I was told that, although I was sick on the last day before break, they would still accept the 24 page essay that I had written. Tonight, as I went to print it out, I found that my dad had "cleaned up a bit" on my computer, including the documents from last semester. I have school tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 578
You deserved it 3 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

txgirl09 5

What's with parents messing with their kids stuff? What happened to respect for other people's things?

Lucky_Adi 0

why do people do this shit like that? you shouldn't clean out ****** documents or school assignments ever!


dante0220 0

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Lucky_Adi 0

why do people do this shit like that? you shouldn't clean out ****** documents or school assignments ever!

txgirl09 5

What's with parents messing with their kids stuff? What happened to respect for other people's things?

txgirl09 5

Thank God my mother is my mother. She would never think of messing with anything of mine because she has always respected me as my own person. Just the other day she wanted some shoes of mine out of her way and instead of even going into my room she sat them at the door. And it's not just because i'm over 18 either, she's always treated me like that. Especially when it's something on the computer. I'll walk off so she comes up and is all "Woah, hey, what's this and what am I supposed to do to it to make it go away so it can be my turn?" Instead of being a twit and possibly deleting something of mine.

Reyo 2

Thank God my parents give me the whole "Respect other people's property" speech once every 3 or 4 months. They're too smart to be messing with my stuff, especially since I've proven that I'm more than capable of bringing up past "life lessons" that they've supposedly taught me.

just upload the damn thing to the internet. I don't know why people don't do it. send yourself an email and attach the file or whatever works best for you. there's enough possibilities.

Yeah or back up on a hard drive or memory stick, even cd works fine.

I always email myself my essays just in case

I know, parents should mind their own business when it comes to their kids' documents. I would flip shit if this happened to me.

You heard of the many way to retrieve deleted items. I'd start with the recycle bin you dumbass

When I delete stuff, I do SHIFT+DELETE which means no time for recycle bin. That takes up space too so I avoid letting stuff build up there. So unless the computer wasn't used much (which would rearrange space) he might be in luck, but if there was a defrag involved then he's ****** for sure and since he 'cleaned up' I can assume that might have happened. FYL and your dads a dumbass for touching YOUR computer as you so stated. If it's yours then he needs to learn to leave it alone.

Yeah, I'm with six... if he just deleted them, check the recycle bin. Plus, I'm sure there are other ways to get stuff from the hard-drive, but I'm not the most technical so I won't even bother trying to get the terms right! But I'm sure you can get stuff back somehow, unless he's completely reformatted the drive... which it doesn't sound like he has. This isn't really an FML. You also kinda deserve it for not keeping a back-up of your work ;)

usnwife 18

I don't have to worry about my parents, but I have 2 toddlers now that like to bang on the keyboard... When I do school (or anything important!) I insert my flash drive, do my work, save to desktop file AND flash drive, eject the flash drive, and store it in a safe place. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Prevents anything like this from happening!! I thought it was common knowledge to back up important documents, guess I'm just crazy...!

nouie 0

Yeah, that's a good one, it's also free. OP I know how you feel, been there before, but someone deleted my personal photos of my trip to Thailand.

Nidiamazing 0


System recovery restores everything program and setting wise but doesn't affect documents.

You didn't have an external hard drive? Hope you listen to the advice in this column.