By Creep - 28/03/2009 00:24 - Canada

Today, me and my friend decided to spy on my crush. He lives across the street, so we climbed on the roof of my house and watched him with binoculars. He was working out, and after 5 minutes he started writing something. He put a piece of paper against the window and it said, 'Stop watching me.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 321
You deserved it 149 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inspired22 11

That's awkward. It sucks that you got caught. Remember his privacy, though! You wouldn't want someone watching you when you're alone!


Inspired22 11

That's awkward. It sucks that you got caught. Remember his privacy, though! You wouldn't want someone watching you when you're alone!

hotscar 3

if the girl's hot, then I wouldn't mind.

At least he wasn't doing something a bit more personnel if you know what I mean ;)

NoThankYouu 0

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nightELFassasin6 0

then it's ok for him to watch her

Umm no, still wouldn't be okay. I have a feeling you are single.


you and your friend are weird, lmao. im glad he told you to go away, creeeperrr. YDI.

now all they need is a van that says "free candy" lol

5ive 0

you didnt have to be so obvious. i mean really, the roof?! he'll see you there!

that's so ******* creepy but im drunk as **** right now so im laughin hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaha @ you.

bco12 0
aeooaiu 0

Yet if he was looking at her, he'd be arrested and given a restraining order